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马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 二十四


“I am in a doctor’s office,” Jake said. “I am not in a doctor’s office.” the sound of his own voice wakened him. he was pleasantly reassured to find that he was in his own room and his own bed. It had been a very bad dream.


he looked around the room, just to make sure.


After the visit to dr. Leonardo hennessey, helene and Ross mcLaurin had been delivered back to mona mcclane’s. the task of digging out what the young man continued to forget to remember seemed hopeless. In addition, his prolonged disappearance was likely to cause embarrassing questions.


helene had still insisted on remaining at mona mcclane’s. on a little reflection Jake could see the wisdom of it, but he still didn’t like it. here all the differences between them were made up, and so far he hadn’t managed anything more than a kiss in a taxicab, and a crowded taxicab at that.


he was brooding over this when the telephone rang. It was helene.


“You ought to be asleep in bed,” he growled into the phone.


“I’m awake and down in the lobby. It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”


“e on up.”


“I don’t want to promise you. Remember, we’re separated. besides, there isn’t time. mona—”


“mona won’t do. I like blondes.”


“Jake, have you lost your mind?”


“If I have, I left it at dr. hennessey’s. Are you ing up here?”




he sighed into the telephone. “then wait for me in the coffee shop. I’ll be right down.”


he had one sock on by the time the receiver had settled on the hook.


helene was staring moodily into a cup of coffee. “I’ve seen people take longer dressing to leave a burning building.”


“You sounded as if it was an emergency. besides, I was in a hurry to see you again.” he waved to the waitress to bring more coffee. “I’m in a hurry to win that bet, so we won’t have to keep up this separation stuff. helene, wouldn't you like to drop up and just take a look at the apartment, to see if you still like it?”


“I remember how it looks,” she said firmly, “and there isn't time to get my hair bed again. things are happening. mona mcclane and von Flanagan.”


“An interesting bination. have they eloped, shot each other, or what?”


“he's putting her on the pan. malone phoned me. he's meeting her there, and he suggested we e along.”


“cordial of him, but why?”


She shrugged her shoulders. “Ask malone. he said there was something he wanted to show us, afterward. I don't know why von Flanagan's picking mona unless he found out the tuesdays were people mona knew and she'd been holding out on him.”


“that might be it,” Jake said. “Let's go over and find out.”


they found von Flanagan in very bad humor. he had been glaring at a collection of papers on his desk when they arrived. Now he glared at them instead. there was no sign of mona mcclane.


“It’s bad enough when people mit murders and cause me a lot of trouble,” he said gloomily. “but then when they lie to me about it, I get sore.”


“I don’t blame you,” helene said amiably. “who’s been lying to you now?”


“I’m not sure, but I think everybody has.” he scowled heavily. “A nice, clean, straightforward shooting or knifing, I can understand. people are impetuous. those things are bound to happen. but this sort of thing makes me mad.”


“what sort of thing?” Jake asked.


“this sort of thing,” the police officer repeated, pounding on his desk. “Like none of those people saying they knew that guy yesterday over in the morgue, when mrs. mcclane at least must have known him. It’s bad enough to have to be a cop. but when people go and do these things just to make it tough for me—” he paused and looked at helene. “Now do you see why I want to quit this job and buy a little country newspaper some place and settle down?”


“I’ve always understood,” she said sympathetically. “have you picked out a paper yet?”


he smiled at her gratefully. “I’ve got my eye on a couple. one’s in a little town in Iowa, population twelve hundred Name of the paper’s the Enterprise. Something about that name appeals to me.” he drew a long breath and quoted a glowing description of the newspaper’s standing in the munity and its potential profits.


Jake grunted. “If it’s such a swell newspaper, why does the owner want to sell it?”


“he’s retiring from business to bee chief of police,” von Flanagan told him.


“well,” helene said, when she’d caught her breath, “poetic justice.”

“任何想当警察的人都是疯子,所以这个人可能还真有点诗意。” 冯?弗拉纳根说。

“Anyone who wants to be a policeman,” von Flanagan said, “is nuts, so probably this guy is poetic at that.”


malone arrived, his eyes pink and swollen from lack of sleep. “mrs. mcclane will be here in a minute. who were you just saying was nuts?” he began shedding his overcoat.


“Anyone who wants to be a policeman,” von Flanagan repeated. he looked plainingly at malone. “Now you take this guy who was killed New Year’s Eve. If he was gonna be killed, why couldn’t he have had his passport on him, or a driver’s license, or even a calling card? No. Not a damn thing. So I have to go to all the trouble of finding out who he was. when I do find out, then what? more trouble.”


malone observed platitudinously, “man is born to be the spark that flies upward to meet trouble half-way.”


before he could add any more details, mona mcclane arrived. She stood for just a moment framed in the doorway, looking around the room. Even daniel von Flanagan seemed to feel that she didn’t belong there, as he sat looking at her admiringly. he was reflecting that if mrs. von Flanagan ever got a look at that coat, she was going to bee violently dissatisfied with last year’s mink.


he had been saving up a furious, indignant, and possibly profane tirade on the subject of people who withheld important information from the police. Now he rose, looked polite and embarrassed; and said, “It’s very good of you to e here, mrs. mcclane,” in a tone he usually reserved for visitors from the mayor’s office.


She smiled at him. “I was delighted to e.” She sounded as though she really meant it.


Von Flanagan sat down at his desk and began to return to normal.


“mrs. mcclane, who was that young man I took you to see over in the morgue yesterday?”


her odd-shaped, greenish eyes widened. “I haven’t the faintest idea. I told you, I never saw him before in my life.”


Von Flanagan shook his head reprovingly. “Now, ma’am, you aren’t helping yourself or anybody else by sticking to that. I’m not insinuating I don’t believe you, y’understand, but this time I want you to tell me the truth.”


“but it is the truth. I never did see him.”


he sighed heavily. “All right, maybe you can do better with this one. how well did you know that guy who was murdered up at your house?”


She looked faintly troubled. “I told you—not well. we had mutual friends—and I’d met him a few times. that’s all.”


Von Flanagan scowled and said, “there couldn’t have been two guys named Gerald tuesday.”


mona mcclane said nothing.


he tried something else. “how well do you know the rest of the mob staying up at your place?”

“文宁夫妇——我小时候就认识他们。但直到——哦,大约一年前在印度,我已经好几年没见过他们中的任何一个了。他们俩都已经——很久很久没在这个国家了。迈克尔在 1921 年匆匆来过这里一趟,那是最后一次。”

“the Vennings—I knew when I was a little girl. but I hadn’t seen either of them for years until—oh, about a year ago, in India. Neither of them have been in this country for—ages and ages. michael made a flying trip here in 1921, and that was the last.”


“I know all that,” von Flanagan said wearily. “what I want to find out is—could either of the Vennings have known these two tuesday guys?”


She shrugged her narrow shoulders. “I don’t think so. of course, I can’t be sure.”


“how well did you know Ross mcLaurin?”


“I’ve known him all his life. I was a close friend of his mother. but I don’t think he’d ever heard of Gerald tuesday—of either Gerald tuesday.”


“this young camera nut?”


“pendley? he’s a nice young man, just out of college, and no job yet.” She smiled faintly. “though he stands a fair chance to inherit all the Venning money some day—if michael lives to be fifty. And he’ll be fifty tomorrow, so—”


“what’s all this?” malone asked.


“the Venning will,” mona said, as though everyone knew all about it.


Von Flanagan ignored that. “And this Allen girl. did you know she was a phony?”


“Look here,” malone said suddenly. “what’s all this about? You’ve got a case, you’ve made an arrest. Aren’t you satisfied?”


“Sure I’m satisfied. but I’m sore. I’m sore as hell. pardon me, mrs. mcclane. but it’s bad enough to hold this job, without everybody making it tough for me by holding out information.” he was launched into his lecture.


but the time he had finished, he evidently decided that nothing further would be learned from mona mcclane. three minutes later malone was ushering Jake and helene into a taxicab.


“Rosedale cemetery,” he told the driver.


“Listen,” Jake said, “I’ve had enough of cemeteries, private or otherwise, to last me till I need one.”


“And why—” helene began.


“I want to see it with my own eyes,” malone said cryptically. “what’s more, I want witnesses along.”


“See what?” she demanded.


“You’ll find out when you get there.” he stared moodily out the window and refused to say another word.


Jake sighed. the day was dreary, muddied snow was packed down on the streets, and a gloomy mist had produced a semidarkness that made forlorn rows of houses seem even dingier than they actually were. the way to Rosedale cemetery led through a monotonously depressing part of town. Jake wished he were anywhere else in the world.


Rosedale cemetery stretched over a square mile or so, one side of it backed up against the elevated. the taxi stopped at a gate where malone poked his head into the small attendant’s booth and bawled loudly for “henry.”


henry proved to be a gnomelike little man, cheerfully garrulous, who greeted malone like an old friend. malone had, it appeared, managed the release of one of henry’s kinfolk from jail at some time in the past. that was why, henry explained, when he’d read in the papers that malone was concerned in these tuesday murders, he’d called up malone to tell him about the tombstone.


“what tombstone?” Jake asked crossly.


henry grinned, “You’ll see.”


they followed him for a long way, between drifts of soot-encrusted snow, picking the way carefully between pools of slush. In a far corner of the cemetery henry paused beside a gray stone that stood somewhat apart from the rest, looking as proud as though he were showing off a personal achievement.



生于 1892 年 10 月 12 日

卒于 1921 年 7 月 2 日

malone brushed the snow away from the stone, read it, and pointed to it silently:


b. oct. 12, 1892

d. July 2, 1921


“I ’membered it was there,” the old man cackled. “Know every stone in the place, like it was one of my own kin. didn’t tell the p’lice though. Just mr. malone, because he’s my friend.”


malone hadn’t seemed to hear him. Suddenly he knelt down and began pawing at the snow that had drifted over the grave. Jake noticed then that the snow had an oddly rough, almost bumpy appearance. he watched malone with growing excitement. helene’s hand clutched his arm and held it tight.


At last the little lawyer rose to his feet. “Somebody has been digging.” he turned to henry. “I suppose it would be possible for someone to have e in here and dug around without being discovered.”


henry nodded. “there’s just one watchman here besides me at night, and most of the time he’s asleep, down at the other gate. this ain’t a place that would need much watching, ordinarily.”


malone stared silently at the snow-covered mound for a moment.


Suddenly he reached for his wallet and took out a ten-dollar bill.


“In that case, I suppose it might be possible for someone else to e in here—say, tonight—and do a little more digging—just to find out what happened here.”


the gnomelike man’s eyes glittered. “If they was friends of yours, mr. malone, and they came in at the east gate, I’m sure nobody’d see a thing.” his withered old fingers closed over the bill. “I don’t suppose I should tell anybody else about this.”


“Not a soul,” malone told him.


Not until they had reached the street again did the lawyer offer any ment. when he did speak, there was a kind of awe in his voice.


“If that isn’t an achievement, then I don’t know one when I see it. to murder a man who’s been dead for more than twenty years.” he paused and added, “And what’s more—to do it twice!”
